This was what Donzilla from the jj had to say about the bike. It's in good hands apparently.
"The pix of it sitting with no wheels on it are from the Oley, PA, AMCA event a few years back. A member named Harry Buck had the bike for a long time. It was discovered back in the 60's in a Philadelphia womens basement. There was a ton of paper work that went with it, with all of it's history. Her father brought it over from Germany. He was involved with the project from the beginning. It was after he passed that she sold it. The only thing missing was the rear wheel. (I know the person that has that wheel and won't part with it.) Harry sold the bike to some men from Germany. They know what they have and their plans were to restore it as it was in the Munich bike show back in 1938, I believe?
I begged Harry for that bike for years. Nothing, then he took it to Oley and sold it off. I was mad that I wasn't there for that. It is an amazing piece of engineering and has a documented history.
So not to worry, it's accounted for and in safe hands.
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