Friday, 4 March 2011

Decision's decisions

Girder or teles, I have girder blades and yokes that need a shed load of bits + a front wheel. On the other hand I have a set of teles with front wheel. But they need to come apart and may need new bits too. Girder = mega cool but mega pricey. Teles = quite cool and fairly affordable. I spose teles for now and do the girder in the meantime. If anyone has any girder links or a girder front wheel let me know cheers. BTW the links in the picture don't fit.

Test fit

Strap the frame together tightly with engine and gearbox to check frame alignment. Turns out the rear axle plates are 1/2" too far apart on one side.

Timing cover tulip

BSA B31/33 M20/21/33 Oil feed quill, always snapped. tricky to remove. Heated case and used pliers and stuff.

Credit crunch paint

Removed the old paint with a wire wheel on a grinder. As much as possible. This will do until I can afford posh wheel job.

Wednesday, 2 March 2011

1923 Temple Anzani

Is this it? Only other photo I ever saw of it. This from bullittmcqueen

Inspiration vid

Great video. Dream Rangers (Shame its for an ad, but ignore that)

BSA Son of a Gun

Good BSA alloy engined thumper, this was on bubblevisor

Email things 2

I recieved another email from Doug, who rides all year in snow and everything. He's made a helmet patch for winter riders. He writes:
"Hey I'm not sure if you are crazy/stoopid enough to ride on two wheels all
year (like me), or if you'd have Third Reich issues with this design (my
father was an American combat vet that fought in Holland and Germany and I
don't think he'd approve, but, when you have an opportunity to replace a
swastika with a snowflake, it seems worth taking to me. That plus the Sesame
Street color scheme and it's at least as de-Nazi'd as a 325is.), but, I made
a helmet decal for winter riders. (email him for one I suppose: doug at plum islandfocus dot com)" Remove spaces.

Email things

I recieved an email concearning this new thing where You give "Give a car" a call and they get rid of Your bike and give some of the loot to charity. Read all about it here. Although I hate the thought of a bike being scrapped, I think they sell the bits as well, so thats ok.

Sunday, 27 February 2011