A bit of it done. a pile of miss matched parts.
Custom and vintage motorcycle related images and information. Mostly related to chopper bobber custom digger classic vintage and old bikes. Also kustom related artwork and anything interesting about motorbikes.
Friday, 18 March 2011
M20 plunger for sale
I have this one to sell if anyone happens across this site wo wants a M20 plunger minus an engine (amongst other bits). Not for the feint hearted this one, it requires a lot of bits and bobs. the thing is looslely propped together and front wheel is 8" half width brake hub, Loosley placed in forks. No v5 but it has a good un tampered with BM20 frame number. contact info@corpsesfromhell.co.uk
The frame alone:-
The frame plus all the bits that come with it loosely positioned.
The frame alone:-
The frame plus all the bits that come with it loosely positioned.