Here are details of Horst Heiler's Custom & Classic Fest. Click the title above to visit the site and see the great pics and get more info.
The 13th of May 2010 is a bank holiday in Germany. To be correct, it is a Christian holiday (Christ Ascension Day), but many fathers and other young guys take that day for having fun and drinking more than usual…
I thought that day in spring time would also be a good day to start into the season of motorcycling; a perfect day for a Custom & Classic Fest. For the first event in 2004 I sent invitations to all my motorcycle riding friends and they all came together, whether they rode customised Bikes or bone stock restored vintage bikes. For a start, we had sunny weather and nearly 400 bikes on the party ground of our hosts, who gave their manpower to manage my party. Oh yes, we had some rain during the meetings the following years, but without any advertising, my mates, and their mates, found the way even in the pouring rain. Some of them came the evening before and slept in their tents, just to be there early from the beginning at ten in the morning. Others came all the way from different corners of Germany, stayed for two or three hours and then rode back home. This is not a big event for making money. We never have ad's in magazines. No dealers, no bungee jumping or dancing elephants…just band's that play in the evening hours. The word is spread from mouth to mouth that there is a party for riders of ancient iron and customized bikes based on classic two wheeled iron. If you are travelling through Germany at this time, meet us in Philippsburg/Huttenheim in the south west of Germany, close to the Cities Karlsruhe, Speyer or Bruchsal.
Some questions left? Contact Horst
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