Saturday 31 October 2009

New quick skratch wot I dun

Chopper Harley davidson bobber rat rod digger, oops wrong place for tags ha ha

Wednesday 28 October 2009

Nice harley davidson I saw at the Ace Cafe

Two engines are better than one

I really like these that I keep seeing on the web. Have no clue who made them/it
or what it comprises of. If you know let me know.

Sunday 25 October 2009

CFH Ride this year

Went for a ride this summer to try and intercept the guys on the tipple run.
The weather was great that day and the 3 of us rode down to windsor and on to sailsbury
or some thing. turned back at that stage as I only have a daytime use mot. no lights see. the bikes worked good. I lost a couple of bits there on the journey. The oil cap on the gearbox came off. Some people at a car garage kindly gave me a rubber bung that fitted in the top of the oil bag. So I put the oil bag cap on the gearbox. Then on the return journey I went to change gear and there was no gear lever. I had to ride all the way back to london and through all the traffic stuck in 4th gear. Good tourque meant that I could actually pul away in 4th. Richard took this nice photo.

My old bike when I was repairing it

Just an old pic of the bsa as I was repairing it